
Showing posts from October, 2012

All glory to Jesus

Wowowowooww, He does things that make me go "Wow, You love me so much" I have great news man, I got full marks for my Amaths Paper 2. I am rendered speechless. I just checked and every working and solution was right. I've never obtained full marks for any Amaths Paper in my entire life and in fact, my Prelim 2 wasn't that well done. I just simply partook of the Holy Communion before the exam and kept praying in tongues when I didn't know the answers. The Lord is so faithful. I'm so happy I can't even speak. And I thought that maybe I will get at least one question wrong but the Lord just kept helping me throughout. It wasn't even me doing the papers anymore but the Lord. I'm so glad I have a Father who works through me, in me and for me. All glory to God.

It's the power of Your presence~

Woah, nothing can express God's grace and His love for me man. It's completely beyond all I can ask or think of. Extremely touched that Venice came out for the 'O's and the Lord helped me answer every single question. I am certain that an A1 has been secured for me. And today, God gave me the privilege to share the gospel with my dear friend. It's so cool how when I planted the seed back then, and how God worked in her life man. It's amazing, she now believes in God and wants to come to church to hear the Word! Wow, transformed man! Sunday was really a life-changing day for me. His presence is really... wow. It was so strong and I was so touched by the Lord. How He chose to die for me, how He immediately rescued Peter from the waters. Peter is like a picture of us, undeserving and doubting the Father. But even though he did that, when he looked to the oceans and the waves and turned his eyes from Jesus and sank, Jesus pulled him out IMMEDIATELY. J

His presence is like heaven to me~

The SS examinations are just around the corner and yet, I don't have the mood to study many topics. In the natural, it seems like I'm making a risky decision.  In the supernatural, I'm taking a leap of faith. I don't know about you but somehow the Lord is leading me to only study one topic. To be honest, I'm really worried about it and I want to do well for my SS. I know nothing is impossible for Him and I decided to just trust in Him. I'm studying Venice only, yeah. It was at first a very difficult decision for me but after hearing about how Carolyn's sister only studied one topic for the O's was an affirmation for me. Father, I know that I will have good success because You are with me. :) So these days, just to update what I've been doing haha. Um, I've been enjoying myself a lot and spending time with Abba.  It's really great to be in His presence. As Pastor Prince said in the beginning of the year, "I will

First day of victory!

Yayyyyyy! Today is a great day! I have no idea why I'm updating my blog so often! HAHA okay anyways, today is the first day of the O's (let me hear you scream) Just kidding hahahahhaha! So, english paper was really difficult for me, but easy peasy for Jesus! In fact, English is by far my worst subject EVER. I have no idea how I am gonna get my A1 but Jesus has obtained it for me :) Yeah, just wanna let you guys know that the O's is not a period of stress but a period of rest. Despite your shortcomings, God will turn everything for your good. God is God of impossible. No matter how impossible it may seem, God can do anything man. He opened up the Red Sea, sent manna for the Israelites. This O's ah, not even as big as that man. How much more can God accomplish! Hehe, so yeah rejoice in the Lord, no matter what your circumstances are. Let's shout together "Hip hip hooray!" HAHAHAHA too blessed to be stressed man. And watch out guys, blessing

One more day till I reach my giant.

Supppp people! I think I may be updating my blog more often! Suddenly have the desire to do so hehe :) Okay, so today was awesome and awesome :) Indescribably awesome haha. Hmm, so had a great Sunday morning filled with the Word plus, awesome weather. Had a lot of fun and I received so much from the Word that was preached forth today. Honestly, I was a little, just a little disappointed that Pastor Prince wasn't preaching haha. Instead Pastor Lian took over and she delivered such a simple yet powerful message. It was really what I needed for today :) Shall I share it? Yes I shall cos' I'm the blogger muahahahaha! Okay, so Pastor Lian preached about resting, feeding and drinking to reign over your circumstances, trials and tribulations. She really reminded me that it's not about what I have to DO but what's already been DONE. It's a real personal revelation for me because I'm like any other human, always wanting to achieve and you know, get things

We are Your people and we won't be silent.

Um, it's been a pretty long while since I blogged, as well as typed on my keyboard - you have no idea how dusty it is hehehe. Yeah, I just wanna share about what Pastor Daniel preached on Sunday. It really hit home and it was one of my favourite messages. So Pastor Daniel shared about not being a silent generation and speak up for the gospel. He quoted from the Bible in 2 Kings about the 4 lepers and how they thought that it was wrong to be silent and how they shared the good news with their kingdom. Truthfully, I've experienced what Pastor Daniel shared. About him being in a taxi, the taxi driver saying, 'Life is hard' and he just putting on his earphones and grunted. I've felt that painful pang in my heart whenever I did that - not sharing about the gospel. There've been many God-given opportunities for me to do so, but I didn't. There were many times where my friends have asked me, "How is it that you do so well?" "Why are you so