One more day till I reach my giant.

Supppp people!
I think I may be updating my blog more often! Suddenly have the desire to do so hehe :)
Okay, so today was awesome and awesome :) Indescribably awesome haha.
Hmm, so had a great Sunday morning filled with the Word plus, awesome weather.

Had a lot of fun and I received so much from the Word that was preached forth today.
Honestly, I was a little, just a little disappointed that Pastor Prince wasn't preaching haha.
Instead Pastor Lian took over and she delivered such a simple yet powerful message.
It was really what I needed for today :)
Shall I share it? Yes I shall cos' I'm the blogger muahahahaha!
Okay, so Pastor Lian preached about resting, feeding and drinking to reign over your circumstances, trials and tribulations.
She really reminded me that it's not about what I have to DO but what's already been DONE.
It's a real personal revelation for me because I'm like any other human, always wanting to achieve and you know, get things done and all.
So in Hebrew 4:9-10 it says,
There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; 10 for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works,[a] just as God did from his.
And so Pastor Lian posed a question, which many of us would have asked, "If we are resting and God is resting then who is doing all the work?"
What struck me was her reply, "The work was already finished on the Cross"
Such a relieving Word for the day right?
Like it brings your whole mind and body to rest because you know it's done, it's finished!
What more do you want to accomplish, my friend?
Nothing can beat the perfect work of Christ.

Yeah, so that's what I've caught from today.
I feel really really loved by Daddy God. Really.
I guess, I wouldn't be here today if I didn't know how much He loved me.
Haha, even though I am kinda digressing from what I actually wanted to blog, oh well.
I was such an insecure and lonely child back then in Primary school.
It's like a sheep without a shepherd.
Yeah, that's how I felt, ever been there?
When you're lost and no matter where you go, there's no way out.
And one day, I just listened to Pastor Prince, about the message of grace.
I was brought up in a very law-based church, where you have to constantly confess your sins.
But I wasn't a great child, always lying, cheating, beating up my sisters.
How could God love me? Why would He even want such a sinner like me?
I was even being ostracised by my friends in school, I really sincerely thought no one wanted me anymore.
So, one day changed my entire life, it brought me into another world.
When I knew the love of God.
It was a really irreversible love, unchanging, never ending.
It's just a little too good to be true.
To be loved by someone who accepts me just as I am, to even send His BELOVED son to die for me.
What more can I ask for man?
He was never angry with you, all His wrath was released at the cross.

And now, HAHA I'm too blessed.
And this blessing really cannot be reversed man.
I'm really really thankful :)
No wonder now I'm always talking about Christ, I know how much He dearly loves me.

Just yesterday, Jesus really encouraged me, He's my super duper cute best friend.
Before I slept, just laying down on my bed, I thought about the English O's, probably cos' I was pretty worried about it...
The most amazing thing man, I suddenly felt in my spirit 5 words. (number of grace)
It's "Don't worry" in Korean.
Wow, God really knows how to bring peace into my soul man.
I just couldn't stop smiling after I knew that He is with me and will be there for me during my O's.
I don't have to be afraid.
Wow, totally a new revelation for me man. :)

Yeah, and I believe I will do exceedingly well for my O's no matter what situation I face.
Believe in Him cos' no matter how hard you try you can never be good enough man.
Why take the hard way when you have a easy way out; a way that's not stressful but totally filled with rest.
I hope whoever's reading in will put your trust in Jesus and yeah, everything will work for good for those who love God.

I'll just pray for whoever's reading this now :)
Abba Father, I pray for wisdom and favour to manifest in this beloved's life. No matter what he/she does, the beloved shall prosper. Father, I also pray that your peace that transcends all understanding shall guard his/her heart and mind in Christ Jesus. This beloved shall not be afraid knowing that the Almighty God who was with David who defeated Goliath is with him/her. He/she shall have a revelation of the one who loves him/her. And you shall grant them the victory :) Amen!
HAHA! That was funny! Don't be afraid and habour onto those negative feelings anymore!
Involve God into your situation! :)


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