
Showing posts from July, 2011


You know the other time, Pastor shared about revelation like wow! I uncovered some today :) Today like during chem, I was like doodling around as usual and copying what teacher wrote on the board. Then I realised what I was writing: Acid + Alkali = Salt + Water It reminded me of how Jesus said to his disciples that "You are the salt of the earth". It mean everyone around you will be thirsty for the Word. Yeah, and then Water right, doesn't that equates to the Word? OMG, I was so astounded when I realised it and excited at the same time! Then I kept listening to mrs boo teaching and uncovered a few others. ROYGBIV So it's like the colours of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. 7 in total = perfection (which I found out quite a while ago) Then, I looked deeper. And do you realise that G is in the middle? Then it hit me, it's like God being in the midst of every of your situation and always in the center of your life. You k


Really really enjoyed today's sermon by Pastor Lim Lian Neo. Totally anointed and received a fresh revelation (uncovering). You know, the other time I said I lost $100? Today's sermon was about restoration too. In Exodus 22, If a man steals an ox or a sheep, and kills it or sells it, he shall repay five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep. So it's the same thing, if I lose $100, God will repay me back 5 times more. Isn't that our great our Lord is? Who cares about every minuscule problem we care about. God cares for you and will not want you to just sit there and watch the devil rob you of everything you have. Take action. And also today, Pastor shared about having to meditate God's word. At first, I thought meditating was about reading the Bible wholeheartedly and focusing carefully or either keep memorising the word. But no, God doesn't want that. It's simply just confessing about one portion of the word. E.g The Lord is my High Priest

long week.

This week was kinda strenuous and tiring: caught up with school. So I apologise for not blogging ): Hmm, so can I just pass on a few song recommendations? Haha, just that I've been listening to nice songs recently, really nice ones. Top on my list is "Love is Here" by Tenth Avenue North. It's really cool how a foreign band could sing such anointed songs. Idk why, but the lyrics touched me a lot and I feel really loved by God. You guys should really really listen to it. Okay, second would "How He Loves Me" by Hillsong United, my favourite band of all time. Oh oh! And I've been hearing more Hillsong Kids song. Can't rmbr the title now though but there was a rap in it (I love raps♥). Okay enough of songs, update! COUNTDOWN: 1 more day till DARE. (approx. 20h) Haha, and there was racial harmony day too :) I won't have any pictures for that, sorry ): Forgot to take one with Ayuni D: And I was a chi-lay for a day :) wore Ayuni's c

Not funny.

MISSING  If ever found, please return to Grace Jin, thanks :) I've been like missing money nowadays. ): I wonder who stole it. Has to be someone from my family... But surprisingly, I don't really want to blame any of them but I just want my money back. These are the money I have been saving for ages for many stuff (which includes mission trip). So this morning when I realised that like I lost my $100 note, I was severely brokenhearted. I don't know why but tears started welling up in my eyes. Do you know how it's like to save the money and not eat as much as food as you want to just to save the money? Maybe you might not understand but food is really important to me. Food is like what I need to eat every second, every minute, every hour, every day. (Okay, maybe I was exaggerating, maybe only 3 meals per day) But still, it's not nice to take others' people money so lightheartedly and not know the feelings they had when they couldn't buy as much fo

what a surprise.

Wayne's birthday yesterday haha :D (I mean we celebrated his birthday yesterday) It was really fun and yeah, fun :) But thanks to Joash and Joseph who were like "I know where the other girls went, they went to buy a cake." What the, so much for being a surprise. Seriously, can't stop laughing cos' like they were making such a fool out of themselves. Oh and btw, service was really awesome. I think it was the best one I ever attended. Pastor Daniel was really anointed when he did p&w for the last part. (The sad thing was that I was really urgent during p&w so I can't jump so hard. ):) So back to the birthday thing, got a free BK crown for Wayne HAHA. And the coupling thing is totally gross. To add on, they're both from a guys' school. Who knowwsssss what could happen HAHAHAHA. Anyways, went to Annora's house for awesome fellowship-ing time with Janelle and Hannah. Really, really fun man. Went to like chat with random people on


Okay, I just want to share my thoughts on this topic: gossip, as you can see. To me, I really think that this is not the right thing to do. gossip:  conversation or reports about other people's private lives which might be unkind, disapproving or not true I'm quite frustrated with my mother who also surprisingly gossips about her friend, who is currently our tenant. I mean, these "annoying" people might be annoying at times, but you might turn out to be much worse than them when you gossip. It's like when you say mean things about others, the comments you made or whatever your friends made might get instilled into your mind, making you think that way of that person whenever you see them. It's also not very nice for the victim to coincidentally hear whatever you have to say about them. In other words, you are demoralising them and make them feel bad about themselves. Not every one can choose who they want to be. Many people just need love or whatever th

Encounter Jesus.

OMG, been a very very very long time since I blogged. I don't know why but I think I should write down my feelings somewhere. Okay, I think I should write about the NCC EJ Camp 2011. It was really really extremely fun. I really really missed it a lot. So we had a huge surprise by our senior pastor, Pastor Joseph Prince who showed up. And we had my favourite singer of all time: Sean Goh haha :) I really learnt a lot of things from camp like how to DARE to be different. It really opened up a new revelation in me cos' like I found that this year I wanted to be like everyone else worrying about the examinations and all. But I realised that my Lord has better plans for me, He has already went to my future and made it all bright for me. I realised that no one can be more me than ME. (another revelation LOL) Yeah, and my DG bonded so much more during camp. During like sessions when the pastors were praying for us and all, I felt like all the chains have been broken and I&#