long week.

This week was kinda strenuous and tiring: caught up with school.
So I apologise for not blogging ):

Hmm, so can I just pass on a few song recommendations?
Haha, just that I've been listening to nice songs recently, really nice ones.
Top on my list is "Love is Here" by Tenth Avenue North.
It's really cool how a foreign band could sing such anointed songs.
Idk why, but the lyrics touched me a lot and I feel really loved by God.
You guys should really really listen to it.
Okay, second would "How He Loves Me" by Hillsong United, my favourite band of all time.
Oh oh! And I've been hearing more Hillsong Kids song.
Can't rmbr the title now though but there was a rap in it (I love raps♥).

Okay enough of songs, update!
COUNTDOWN: 1 more day till DARE. (approx. 20h)
Haha, and there was racial harmony day too :)
I won't have any pictures for that, sorry ):
Forgot to take one with Ayuni D:
And I was a chi-lay for a day :) wore Ayuni's costume.
Kinda fun and had $5 Popular voucher for wearing one.

Just saying but I really really miss my family a lot, as in my DG.
Has been like 2 weeks since I saw them.
And I really miss talking, chatting, laughing & doing stupid and retarded things with them.
Church is gonna be awesome tomorrow, I just know it.
Lord, I cast all my homework and common tests onto you :)

Oh and nowadays, have been reading a gay fan-fict.
Actually it was weird and disgusting since it was a homosexual one, but soon got used to it.
It's kinda cute at times, but still a little gross.
And somehow I'm kinda afraid I would turn into one, probably cos' I'm in an all-girls school.
I don't know how to say this in words but I found a girl attractive.
OMG, ewwww.
Okay, and like somehow idk how but we have been sitting next to each other coincidentally.
Ahhh, okay weird thoughts encircling my mind.
Is it like normal or something?
Disgusted just thinking about it but I have to admit she's kinda pretty (can't believe I typed this out)
If you happen to read this just erase it out of your mind, kthxbai.

Walk by faith, not by sight


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