
Hello!!!!!!!! :-)
I am back after a really really long time and it has been so refreshing reading my previous blog posts?
I can't believe sometimes that they were written by my bare hands.
Indeed, there was Someone writing through me.

The past few days were so horrible for me and I cried buckets. )'''''''':
Being overwhelmed by every demand placed on me and demands that I've been placing on myself.
It took me hours to recalibrate back into the frequency of grace.
Even when I wanted to escape from reading the Word of God, His Word spoke to me through a drama.
The last few lines that ended the story: "stop focusing on the closed doors because you don't realise the beautiful ones that are opening" and "take heart at the simple things in life."
These words pierced through my heart as I was quite frustrated that I had already been rejected by 5 companies thus far.
But I believe that the Lord has a company in store for me, a place that I can excel in and a job that I love.

This morning I decided to listen to one of Joseph Prince's podcast, which spoke about righteousness being imparted apart from works - justification before God (Romans 4) vs works > faith - justification before men (James 2).

I loved this story about Rahab in James 2:

25 Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way? [justification before men]

In the passage, she was justified by her works when she lied about the spies.
But Rahab was already justified by faith when she believed that God opened up the Red Sea.
She was also one of the 5 women written in the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
God doesn't care about your past.
He really doesn't.
If He can use a prostitute, He can use you too.

She was already justified when she believed that God opened up the Red Sea.
But she was still a prostitute then.
Why? Because fruits take time.
You wouldn't expect a seed in your garden to grow into a tree the next day.
Be patient with yourself.
Just because you heard something and was transformed on the inside doesn't mean that the bad habits break straightaway.
Slowly but surely - the root in your heart will manifest itself and you shall see the fruits.

I learnt today that the things that I want to see in my life take time.
There's no need to force its growth.
There's no need to force yourself to be the perfect person you want to be.
Enjoy your journey now.

Lord, I want to enjoy this journey with you and retreat back to where we were.
Where I enjoyed your presence.
Where there weren't so many things to rob me of that joy You gave.

Abba, take me back.
Back to the beginning.
When I was young.
Running through the fields with you.


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