The Year of Jubilee

Hi guys :)

Today's the first day of the year 2017 and the first sermon of the year.
It's simply amazing that the theme of the year was announced on the day itself; I don't remember other years being like this one.
And I wasn't really expecting anything because it's always a good word and I guess I did get overly familiar with the themes of the years.
But today, the Lord really showed me something special: as I saw the video being played about the theme of the year, as I saw those chains having a hold on someone, I thought about me.
Those chains were not just loosed, they broke apart.
I almost teared as I saw that scene and had goosebumps.
It was as if the Lord was personally speaking to me: that this year, your chains and bondages shall be broken by Me.
Not by physical hands, but supernatural ones.
I was just so touched by that picture and inside of me, something seemed to cry out.
Lord, I allow my chains to be broken by You, for You to set me free from every lie that I have believed about myself and my situation.
I am free.
You have set me free.


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