Chapter 1: Let The Revolution Begin

Who Jesus is to me:
To me, he's like a soft, gentle breeze that passes by as I sit at the mountaintop, gazing at the skies. :)
He's my bestest friend, who knows me inside and out, and still loves me perfectly despite knowing all my flaws.
He's my lover, who loves me everyday through things that He knows will make me happy and He pursues me.
He's my warrior, who bravely fights my battles for me, who gives me the victory I don't deserve.
He's my helper, someone I can always call upon and I know He hears me and I know He will show up.
He's my favour. The one who provides me with the friends I have now, friendships which I can never form on my own.
He's my wisdom. He knows what is best for me and has immeasurable knowledge, knowledge that surpasses every human on earth. And yet, He chooses to be my wisdom, to give me knowledge when I ask.
He's my peace that guards, that garrisons my heart. When I feel lost or afraid, His peace envelopes me, erasing every fear.
He's my protector. He keeps me safe from every evil thing that tries to harm me, from every negative or bad thought that tries to steal the peace I have. He protects me.

And I know, that there is still much more. He can be so much more to me.
Show me, who You are, Lord.
Show me again. And again.


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