
Yo guys, just came back from such an anointed cluster session.
And I really felt so blessed to be serving and receiving so much from the Lord Himself.

Today's topic was on anointing.
Actually I want to share about something that Pastor Prince shared about the anointing oil that really impacted me:

A few years ago when I was in Capernaum, the hometown of Jesus, I saw an olive press. The guide explained that olive berries were put in the press and crushed with a huge millstone. The first press produces extra virgin olive oil, which is used to light the Jewish temple. The oil from the second press is used for medicine, while the oil from the third or last press is used for making soap.
At that moment, the Holy Spirit revealed to me, “That’s what happened to Jesus in Gethsemane.” Gethsemane, which means “oil press”, was where Jesus was first pressed in a time of darkness (Luke 22:53), so that we will always be in the light and walk in the light.
The light makes you see what others—your competitors, professors, scientists—cannot see in the natural. It is the Holy Spirit that gives you spiritual enlightenment. For instance, people saw David as a shepherd boy. But Samuel, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, saw a king in David. So the anointing oil will cause you to see how God sees. And when you see how He sees, you will enjoy what He enjoys.
The second press took place after Jesus was brought from Gethsemane and scourged. Jesus is our “medicine” because “by His stripes we are healed”. (Isaiah 53:5)
The last press, in which the oil is used for cleansing, happened at the cross. Jesus was crushed under the fiery indignation of a holy righteous God, suffering the judgment and penalties for our sins. His blood has cleansed us of our sins.
This is our God.
The one who was pressed 3 times.
And I used to use the anointing oil for whatever and I didn't know there was so much to it, even more than I realised.
And anointing means to set apart, to consecrate.
Wow, and because the Holy Spirit abides in us, we have the anointing.
And we are set apart, made special.
Darling, God can't take His eyes off you.
You are that special someone that He wants to take care of and grow.

And I saw how precious we were to Him.
I thought it was already enough that we have Him dying for us on the Cross for all our sins.
But wow, He just doesn't stop there and takes it even more steps further.

John 14:26New King James Version (NKJV)

26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 
He even sent us a Helper.
Isn't that amazing and so loving of Him.
Even as we make decisions and walk in life, He wants to help us.

The God that I thought was angry at me and wants me to obey the law is a lie.
This is the true God.
A loving God that cares for you and wants you to have a Helper who leads you by the presence or absence of peace.
And this Father, loving Father will lead you from within.

Anointing = Holy Spirit. (John 14:26//1 John 2:27)
It's really beautiful man.
And I want to let you know, that when you have received Christ, you have received the Holy Spirit and He abides in you.
You are anointed.

You are very anointed.
You are very anointed.
You are very anointed.

Rest well, beloved :)))


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