Post-Hillsong Conference.

I am back finally after many weeks of going overseas. :))))
And back from the most awesome camps & HILLSONG CONFERENCE.

God can never be more real in my life.
He was in every plane ride, every food I ate, every person I meet, everywhere I went.
He is here, now.
As I am typing this, let the Lord speak to you.
That these are not words by a mere man, but the words from a loving Father.
Who wants to speak to you more than you want to hear Him.

The theme of the conference: Speak, We're listening.
But isn't it crazy?
He wants to speak to you more than you want to listen to His voice, His words.
Sometimes, we think that we want to hear His voice, and we complain because God isn't speaking to us.
But, stop.
He is here.
In the very thing you are doing right now, in your very season, He is speaking to you.
Allow the words to drop into your heart right now.
God may not come in a physical voice.
But because, He is so close, you can hear Him in your thoughts, in your heart.
There may be other voices though.

How do I know it's His voice, you ask.
It's actually quite a simple task.
His voice is loving, endearing, knows all your flaws and yet still loves you.
He loves you, the defile thing that people want to throw away.
As you keep reading the Word, and seeing the way God moves, the way He loves you, the way He heals you and cares for you.
Just like you recognise your parents' voices over the phone, you shall recognise the Lord's voice, I pray.
And when you hear Him, don't be afraid.
He is not here to condemn you or judge you.
He is not an angry God.
All His wrath was consumed in Jesus at the Cross.

He is your loving Father.
Even if that voice corrects you, it's out of love.
And I pray that today, the voice of the Father directs you and leads you.
If you're looking for a purpose, may you be led from within.
Because He is so close, the voice is now from within, not always without.

And sometimes, the voice may come through a pastor, a friend, even a video.
Don't underestimate your Father.
He wants to speak to you more than you want to hear Him.
And today, I believe He shall speak to you.
The very thing that relates to you the most.
He shall use that medium.

Now, while waiting for that voice.
Rest in His love for you.
The darling and apple of His eye.
In His time, He shall speak words that are so beautiful in that season.
You can only be awed.
And wonder how on earth, can a God, the creator of the universe love you so much.

He wants to speak to you more than you want to listen to His voice.

And scripture for it?
14 For God may speak in one way, or in another,
Yet man does not perceive it. (Job 33:14)
He is speaking to you in more ways than one.
He is speaking to you now.


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