
Hi!!! It's been such a long time!
Many things have happened and I have been journalling most about what is on my heart that I didn't get to blog.
But I think you guys shouldn't be missing out on some great food that the Lord my Shepherd has fed with me. :D

I think that many of us, including me have forgotten what first made us believe the gospel, the gospel of grace.
And I think I also pushed some parts aside like righteousness cos I guess one part of me, my flesh told me that I didn't need it.
That all I need to know is that God loves me.
As good as that truth is, righteousness is so important.
Righteousness: Right standing with God, to be made right, just before God
I guess maybe cos I thought I sinned less after I became a Christian but I forgot that fear, worry even exaggeration is also sin.
That I was no less, I still sin yet I am righteous before God.
And that really changed my life.

I'm gonna share with you this revelation that Martin Luther King had:
Their righteousness is not their own but God's.
The righteousness of God is that which is given to those who live by faith, not because they are righteous, not because they fulfil the demands of divine justice but simply because God wishes to give it.
Thus, Luther's doctrine of justification by faith does not mean that God demands of us is faith as if this was something we have to do or achieve which God then rewards. It means rather that BOTH faith and justification are the work of God: free gift to sinners.

I think that's a pretty awesome revelation don't ya think?
It's crazy right, that God is not an angry God, God does not demand of us to fulfil the law.
But the law was given that we may know that we can never fulfil it.
That we need a Saviour.
I think some of you may disagree with what I mentioned.
But it is a fact, the TRUTH of the gospel.
And this is what got me out of bondage, of trying to please God, trying to make God happy so that I can be seen as good in the eyes of God.
But the truth is, none of us can achieve the law, the 10 commandments.
It is impossible.
Once you break one law, you are guilty of all.

And here is the Solution: Jesus who became our righteousness.

Jeremiah 23:6
In His days Judah will be saved,
And Israel will dwell safely;
Now this is His name by which He will be called:

Just let that sink in and no longer are you guilty of any sin you are committed once you accept Jesus.
Cos all your sins have been paid on the Cross.
Now this righteousness demands that we are free, healthy, made whole, prosper, blessed...
This is what Jesus came to give :')

For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost (John 10:11)


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