Genesis 1

Hey, I've not been here for a very long time but today I am just so full of the Word that I have to tell it to someone or write it somewhere so here I am.
Here was how God started the Bible: IN THE BEGINNING
The earth was without form, void and darkness was on the face of the deep.
Can you imagine that?
A thing without shape, emptiness and darkness.
How weird that feels. Something without colour, without sound, without life.
And I love this:
I love THEN GOD SAID. I think it's so amazing.
Whatever He saw, He believed in the power of His words, and He spoke and whatever He spoke came to pass.
The immediate result was there.
Wow, and it's crazy how Genesis 1 proceeds in such majesty and in such life.
It just keeps levelling up, from a greater level of glory to glory.
God started naming everything.
Everything was so precious to Him that He gave them names and remembered them.
He even named the sky, sky.
I think God's heart is amazing. He was just so full of love.
And He spoke in the entire chapter 9 times - the number of new beginnings.
To start off the beginning of all the books.

He divided so many things. He made clear the distinctions.
There was no in between. I simply love it.
God blessed the creatures. He blessed us.
And I love the way God does things.
He doesn't speak in much detail like create the reproductive system in this way or something.
He was like a king.
Just speaking in simple terms and somehow the creation is created in such a detailed and complex manner.
How did He even do it man???
I can't seem to comprehend.

Omgosh, and here comes the best part - the peak of His creation: US
We are made in His image.
And when I searched up this word image, it came out: of the soul, image of the body, stature, intellectual and moral nature.
We are like God. We are born of God.
He gave us 5 things to be dominate over - a dominion of grace :)))))
And God blessed us with a blessing that is higher of the animals.
We are called greater than them.
And He said as if we were already His children.
He said, "See, I have given you EVERY ______"
Like how a Father says to his children, " See, I have given you a new iPad"
"Look at this son, a new wallet for you"
He asked us to look at what He created for us.
I can imagine His loving heart, His tender voice and His heart of wanting us to say thank you.
I see Him looking at us and asking us "Do you like it? Do you????"
And He said it was very good unlike all the other things He created.

What broke my heart was the third chapter when Man fell.
God gave us everything freely and warned us of the one thing that could destroy us and cause us to die.
Yet, we think ourselves to be higher than God, to want to be like Him when we were already like Him.
And we choose to eat of the bad fruit - the fruit that will cause us to die.
We took the harm on ourselves, and yet we blame God.
I see the tears on God's eyes saying "Why..."
I feel His pain in His heart.
Because He loves us so much.

And yet, after all that drama after all that pain, He gave another thing to us.
A person called Jesus who saves us from all our sins.
We made the mistake and yet God, the God who loves us so much, sent His only begotten Son to die for us so that we might live.
I can never fathom that immense love that forgives me even before I sinned.

And today if you're reading this and you want to receive the forgiveness if you've never invited Jesus into your heart, can you just say this prayer aloud and believe it?

Heavenly Father,
I believe that You sent Your only Son Jesus to die for all my sins.
I want to receive You into my heart to be my Lord and my Saviour.
Thank You for never being angry at me but always loving me and I thank You that all of Heaven's resources are mine, that I can freely ask and freely receive every good gift that You have for me.
In Jesus' name I pray,

Congrats, daughter or son of the Most High for you have just accepted Jesus into your heart.
Your life will never remain the same again.
I have no idea why I typed this whole thing out but I believe someone needs to hear this and just want to say that Jesus loves you.
He never wanted you to die.
And now, you're going to have eternal life.
See you in Heaven my lovely friend :)))


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