Legacy 2014.

Wow, Jesus, this is by far the best camp of all the ones I've been too.
I don't know how You manage to make every camp better than the one before.
Before I came to this camp, I felt so frustrated at myself for not being good enough, not meeting up to expectations, being pathetic and unworthy.
But Jesus, Your supply met and overexceeded my demand.
You told me that I am good enough, that I and worthy and that I am chosen.
Those were the words I really needed to hear man.
When Pastor Lian just spoke forth those words, wow, I knew it was You.
And Pastor told us to imagine Jesus hugging us.
I felt Your presence so strongly and I really felt someone embracing me, someone filled with so much love, someone who loved me so much despite of all my flaws, all my sins, all my shortcomings.
I didn't know that I was choosing to accept all these lies that the devil puts on me.
It seemed so real but Jesus I replace every lie with Your truth.

His presence was so strong throughout the whole camp, filling me with a happiness the world can never give, a heavenly sort of happiness that doesn't get tired, doesn't get bored.
I felt super condemned before the camp for not studying as much as I could and wasting my holidays away but Jesus reassured me all over again that I can study restfully.
I don't know how You will do it Lord but I trust in Your unfailing love for me, Your promises for me.
And this camp was just a love-attack from the Lord lor.
The places that I didn't want to enter, Jesus took my hand and walked through them with me.
Not to kill me but to heal me.
And I really got healed of the parts that I didn't even think about, those parts of my life that I thought I was doing fine in.

Just wanna share this testimony, haha it's really personal, but I believe that someone needs to hear this.
On Day 3, Pastor Daniel called for ministering about something that has hurt you in the past.
Almost immediately, I felt like going up, with no idea why.
Then I kept thinking why I should go up: and a word popped up: my dad.
If you don't know about this, my parents were divorced when I was younger and I witnessed many of their fights.
I thought I was okay, never mind, it's okay that I don't have a dad.
It's okay even if there wasn't a fatherly figure in my life.
But God reminded me of many times I felt scared without a father, when there was a pervert who came to my house.
If my father was there, the pervert wouldn't come.
If my father was there, maybe my family would be more complete.
If my faher was there, I will be a normal kid with both parents.
You see, I thought I had it all together, but no.
I am just so thankful for Deborah who prayed for me, I really wanted a female leader to pray for me.
I told her: my parents are divorced because while queuing up Pastor Daniel gave a word saying that someone is afraid that they will get divorced in their marriage life because their parents are divorced.
I am not so sure if I have that fear but Jesus gave me a double confirmation.
When Debra prayed for me, the first few words that she kept repeating: God is your father, God is your father.
And she kept saying that Jesus will fill me up with His love.
I was just so touched by You Lord, I felt You just holding me and really touching me.
As she said that, I just kept crying and crying because I felt so loved.
Wow, I think I've never cried so hard in my life.
I guessed it was really a deep hurt in my life and Jesus healed me.
For those of you whose parents are divorced like mine, God is your father.
God is the one who can take care of you, who is always there for you, and loves you so much more than anyone else.
Let Him, allow Him to fill you up with His love.
Stop looking to other men for that love.

Hehe, okay that's my biggest takeaway.
Hope you've been blessed by this.
Jesus loves you dearly, don't let someone who didn't die for you tell you otherwise.

//You make broken lives beautiful


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