the walk with my Lover.

Hey been very busy lately with concert coming up on Wednesday and pretty excited yet nervous for it.
There's so much demand and so far, I haven't seen much breakthrough in my dance yet.
I still can't do a lot of stuff and not meeting up to expectations yet.
But today, I just decided that it is up to Him, not me to fulfil these crazy demands and weigh myself down.
Omgosh, I just received a revelation, yes, right this instant.
That the cross was all our burdens and shame weighing Jesus down.
WOW. No wonder the cross was so heavy. No wonder His back was bent when He carried it. No wonder He stumbled and fell.
He carried every burden, every demand, every shame on His back so that our burdens can be lifted off our shoulders. :')

I was so not planning to say that but I guess someone needed this so Jesus spoke through me.
Anyways, I was planning to share on my walk with my Lover, Jesus these past few days.
Have been really spiritually filled and been spending time with Him a lot!
I think it has been more than all the past years added up together.
Idk why but this year must be different because I really read the Bible like almost everyday and received so many revelations!!! 
And this is for all the girls out there, that Jesus sees you as a princess, like really you were made to be a princess.
And I've been reading this book recently, titled "Captivating".
It's so amazing and I really recommend it!!!
Can I share with you some stuff from the book??? I don't care I'm going to.

Therefore I will block her path with thornbushes; I will wall her in so that she cannot find her way. She will chase after her lovers but will not catch them; she will look for them but not find them. (Hosea 2:6-7)

Therefore now I am going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. (Hosea 2:14) 
Can you see Jesus pursuing you as a princess?
He allows some bad things to happen to us, in order to wear us out, get us back to Him with thirsty longing.
Then He starts chasing you, wooing you, asking you out on one-to-one dates, wanting to have all of us to Him alone.
As I begin to see this, woah, like wow the God of all the heavens and earth wants to pursue my heart????
And how does He romance me?
Through the beautiful sunrises, sunsets, the dazzling stars at night, the cool breeze and shade when I'm having P.E, the comforting rain as I begin to fall asleep, the cute animals, the bloomed flowers.
Can anyone be more romantic than this?
And He romances me in ways more than one, exceeding anyone else here on Earth.
The Best Lover, the one who chose to die for me.

Can you see His heart for you?
He's asking you right now, "May I enter your heart? Will You look to Me? I am Your door of Hope."
Accept His invitation, Princess.


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