Legacy 2013.

Helloooooo! Back from Legacy camp! Woah awesome anointing and really what I needed for this season in my life.
Before coming to the camp, there were a lot of problems that I have been facing: in my studies, relationships and myself.
There was just so much going on, my whole head was in a whirl and I think this is the worst experience I've ever experience.
I felt super messed up and felt that this was the worst stage of my life.
It was just so bad and I came to this camp more broken than ever before.
Just so conscious of myself and all the problems that I have.
I almost wanted to lose hope that Jesus can use this camp to change my life.

But His hope never disappoints.
There were many God moments and I felt very loved by the Father.
So many good and funny things happened.
And I love the fact that I got closer to the CG and new kingdom friendships were being formed.
Hmm, let me just share with you some highlights of the camp.
On the first/second day (I can't remember), there was a ministering about self-worth.
At first, I wasn't very sure if I should go up because I knew I needed it.
And once I took a step forward, there was no turning back.
I just kept going forward, expecting to receive healing for what I was going through.
It was just a period of not being Christ-conscious and I just wanted that back.
I wanted to see Christ as I used to. I wanted to look to Him for all that I do and stop looking to myself.
I came in front of a male leader.
To be honest, I wanted a female leader to pray for me because I thought that I could be more encouraged and I will get to hug her after the prayer.
But Jesus had other plans. He sent this awesome man of God to speak to me.
Wow. It was so good.
Every word that He spoke really touched me and I can still remember him saying that "God is opening the door of love."
That was sooo powerful and I really got to the point where I thought maybe God doesn't love me like He used to because I am that unworthy.
I did so many wrong things and I didn't even look to Him and kept relying on myself.
I kept thinking that maybe God was disappointed in me and didn't love me the same.
I just forgot how God can ever love me anymore.
Then the leader kept saying words which I can't really remember/hear but I just sensed His presence and His love.
Tears kept flowing out of my eyes until I was quite embarrassed I was crying in front of the leader LOL.
Die to self siol.
I think I was so lost in His presence until I forgot to say "Amen" and just stood there, stared blankly at him, wiping my tears and walked away.
Until I got back to where I came from did I realise it and said "I receive it Father"
HAHA. :)
Even though I cannot see it now, I believe there's an inward transformation AMEN.

Yeah that's what I wanted to share and do you want to hear 3 super funny things that happened in the camp?
Yes, I know you do!
2 of them were by Jaslene and 1 by Brandon Muk HAHA.

Okay #1.
The JC cluster including our CG dressed up as Mafias for the Finale Night and wore all sorts of gang stuff.
Sidetrack a little, Abigail's hair was super cool and crazy. She styled her hair up like a guy HAHA.
So we were doing this super AA (attract attention) thing during dinner.
We arrived "fashionably late" and got to CP4.
The plan was to have Brandon Foo and someone else (I can't rmbr NOOO) to be the bodyguards of Abigail (our da jie) and go up the escalator in twos.
Give me a moment HAHA.
Um, Jaslene was at the back and saw this guy looking at her (I think)
From her point of view, she said that she said "What? Want to fight ah?" very softly but Faith heard it quite loudly and the guy heard it too.
He replied, "I'm also from the JC cluster..."
And Jaslene answered, "Okay.... so, um.... let's fight together...?"

This will be by Brandon. (Must save the funniest for the last HAHA)
Okay so he was the arrow buddy and was rooming with DARE Level 2 youths.
So there was this time where he stepped into the elevator with Valerie, Alena (our leaders in CG) and Wee Liang (another arrow buddy).
Before they came into the elevator, the youths were singing a verse from "We Are The Free" by Matt Redman.
So it goes, 'There's a fire in our hearts that burns for you, it's never gonna fade away~'
And they stepped it at that part, when it came to the chorus, Valerie jokingly said "Jump!"
Valerie saw Brandon jumping first before the DARE youths and singing really joyfully.
Then she said that she wasn't being serious and asked them to stop.
Imagine seeing this J4 army guy jumping up and down in the elevator LOLOLOL!
When she asked them to stop, she saw Brandon reluctantly stopping.
That was so cute and funny HAHA.
Total youth renewal.

This is by Jaslene woah, laugh until stomach pain this one.
During the last day, praise infinity, there was this song where we could run around in the hall area.
And there were servers at the side putting their hands out so that we could hi-5 and people creating bridges to go under. :)
It was super fun!
Jaslene was hi-5 ing the servers and she came to this hand which was a bit high.
She was like "Eh, how come so high one?" but still hi-5ed him regardless.
And after that, she turned around and saw the guy lifting his hands up to the Lord and praising Him.
So she actually hi-5ed someone closing his eyes who was actually lifting his hands to the Lord and had no intention for a hi-5.
This was so hilarious and I had this image in my mind which made me laugh ever harder.
Funniest thing and moment I've ever heard man.
Even after hearing it a second time, I still laughed.

Okay, hope you had a glimpse of what I experienced in camp.
And if you didn't go, God did not shortchange you and will bless you with a second portion.
Because God transcends time, matter and space, the same presence of Him in the camp is with you too!
I can't wait for the sermon DVD to come out to hear it at home.
And I've been really blessed by this camp, would want to thank everyone in my CG for being such awesome men and women of God and blessing me individually with their own "specialness". Hehe.
This camp far exceeded my expectations man!
That's all! Love you with the love of Christ! :D


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