God moments.

Hello! :) It's been quite a long time!
Sorry man, had to catch up with school work and have hardly any free time to blog :/
Did you miss me? Haha!
So I had so so so many things I wanna share that have happened to me in the past few days and weeks.
Hmm, how should I start? Chronologically? Sure.

Physics Kinematics Test
This was just purely grace man.
I had absolutely no clue how to do the questions, randomly attempted and just prayed in tongues while doing the paper.
God was just soooooo good!
He gave me good grades for this test and I really can't thank Him enough.
I hardly even had the time to study for this test and only looked through the notes the day before for around 1-2 hours?
I knew this cannot be me.
All glory to Jesus!

The 2.4km run was really a super touching gift from Daddy God.
I've always ran about 16mins since Sec 3? And I have no idea how to improve my stamina.
Okay, maybe actually I do, but I'm just too lazy to train/workout.
On the day of the 2.4km run, the weather was great and the run was awesome.
I still can't believe I managed to run within the 15mins range.
I didn't even do anything to improve myself - no workouts, runs etc.
Just praying the day before and believing.
And God exceeded my expectations man! I merely asked for a Silver for NAPFA but He gave me a Gold.
Wow, that was just mind-blowing and I'm really so grateful.
The whole run was out of grace and definitely not by my own works.
I bet no matter how hard I try I can't even reach that timing. Only God can.

YAYYY so many testimonies! I've actually got a lot more but these are just the major ones so far :)
This week has been great and the fingerprints of God are visible everywhere.
And btw, just wanted to share about how I felt so loved by Abba during P&W in service.
You know how they play the video of Jesus' crucifixion during "Man of Sorrows"?
I just felt so loved at that point in time.
The lyrics and the video were just so aligned and apt.

Silent as He stood accused
Beaten, mocked, and scorned
Bowing to the Father's will
he took a crown of thorns
And at the exact moment, the video of "Passion" where Jesus was being beaten up and the crown of thorns pierced through his head, resulting in trickles of blood streaming down His face.
It was just so heartwarming that someone chose to die and suffer on my behalf.
Giving His life for mine.
It was just so goooood and I'm starting to see more of the Cross and of His finished work.

As my week was blessed, so will yours be too because blessings crown the head of the Righteous.
You're next in line :)


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