The King still has one more move.

Hello! I just felt like blogging about what Pastor Ray McCauley preached during the mid-week service :D    
Soooo one part of his sermon was "The King still has one more move".
There was this famous painting, titled: Checkmate

The green guy on the left represents the devil who seems to give a grin of victory whereas, the man on the right, representing us humans, look forlorn and worried.
An international chess champion thought there was something wrong with this painting as it couldn't possibly be a checkmate; the King piece still can make one more move.

When Pastor shared the story behind this painting, it was like woahhhh, a huge revelation.
There was actually nothing wrong with the painting.
The painter intentionally painted it this way to show that when you think you are being "checkmate", it is a lie from the devil.
It seems like the devil has won but the King, Jesus still has one more move to make.

This really spoke to me because before I came for service, I felt like I was in a "checkmate"situation.
No matter what I do or how hard I try, I can't get better in my studies.
When I heard this, it hit me.
The King still has one more move to make in my life.
He can turn the whole situation around for me.
Yeah, He can.
Everyone thought it was a "checkmate" when the boy only had 5 loaves and 2 fishes.
The checkmate was a lie.
Jesus gave thanks and fed the 5000.
Everyone thought it was a "checkmate" when Jesus had to die on the cross.
The checkmate was a lie.
Jesus rose from the dead after 3 days and now because of His death, we can freely receive the righteousness of God and forgiveness of sins.

I've been so blessed by what Pastor shared. :')
And I hope you have been blessed too :)
Have a great week ahead!


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