Just wanted to share.

Hmm, things have been going well these days and I'm really touched by what Jesus is doing in my life.
Honestly, I didn't enjoy school so much in the first few days.
It all seemed like an alien kind of environment - I hardly knew anyone and I didn't felt that I belonged anywhere.
I just don't know why, but I was quite quiet and very unlike myself.
It was just hard and I've prayed about it a few times.

I am so glad Lord, that You have gave me a spirit of boldness to speak up.
It was so torturous the first few days.
Not fun at all and pretty much awkward with the people around me.
But sometimes I don't understand how people are so loud and friendly when I just met them for the first time.
I don't know if they are really like that or are putting up a false front.
Give me the wisdom Lord to discern.

And I'm really thankful that I got to enjoy and spend the past few days w my classmates.
It has been pretty fun and I've got to know them better :)
I was just hearing the song "Because God is Good" by John Waller because it just suddenly played on my iTunes.
Talk about right place, right time.
Just felt so loved and touched by John's revelation.
How everything will work out for your good. And how he thanked God for all these trials and tribulations that came upon him.
For me, this was a very tough barrier to overcome.

Idk why, in the past, when things looked bleak, it just didn't come across to me as being a good thing.
But so many instances, I have been proven wrong.
I used to dislike the fact that my parents were divorced and kind of felt unwanted.
I came to realise that this has made me a much stronger person and I can look to God as my spiritual Father.
It was just such a feeling of peace, like all these sad and emotion-filled thoughts left me once I knew that I can call Him my Abba Father.
It's because of this that my life is a testimony in itself and I thank God for that.
Don't get me wrong, it's not that God made these things happened, He instead allowed them to happen and turn them around for our good.
If my whole entire life was perfect, I wouldn't even need a God and I would think that I am the all powerful and mighty one.
But this is apparently not the case.
Because I have failed time and time again, I realised how much God loves me and cares for me.
How much He wants me to come home and be with Him, in His house, in His arms.

I never in my life, met with a religion that could edify me spiritually and removed me of any suicidal thoughts I had in the past.
Why I believe in God? You may ask.
Well, He is real and maybe I can't see Him visually or touch Him physically, but what  God gave me was faith.
I just know in my spirit that He is really there and somehow, a part of you just can't forget your Maker, the one who created you.
And He just changed me so much physically and spiritually, I have encountered Him :)
Idk what made me share all these, probably the Holy Spirit haha.
I hope you have been blessed by this. :)
I love you with the love I've received from God :) <3 p="">


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