Blessed CHRISTmas.

The most beautiful time of the year. :)
Has been a long time since I updated, how are you?
It's fast right, how time flew, and now it's already Christmas.
2012 has been a memorable year for me man, many changes and many fruits! :)
Many good things and many bad things have happened but I really want to thank God for this amazing year.
Even though I have been hurt a lot this year, I believe that all things will work according to my good through the Lord.
I believe right, that I have grew physically and spiritually, really all glory to God man.

Recently, in a Christmas party, I met this young man of God called Rainer(sp?).
At first glance, he seemed like a really great guy and he was very loving towards his mother.
I didn't think so much about it until my mother told me his history.
He was actually a really rebellious child, his parents are divorced and yeah...
I was astonished by that fact man, how the Lord transformed him into a great man.
He was even fat, according to my mum (and ugly LOL)
But when I saw him, he had quite a good figure and was tall too.
It's so surprising man and he was really friendly towards me, offering help and all since I sat beside him.
Wow, and all because of one thing, Jesus.
He doesn't just do a inner transformation but outer as well.
Rainer is such a living testimony and I'm really honoured to have met him.
I pray that I will see him again in DARE or smth.
I believe he has a great future man :)

Come to think of it, men of God are much more attractive than the worldly handsome guys.
They have something to them, the favour of God.

And yeah, thank you Lord for this whole year, and I place 2013 in your hands.
Blessed Christmas readers, God bless! :)


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