More than a conqueror.

Feeling so refreshed from service today! :)
Pastor Prince expounded a lot about repentance.
You know how some believers believe that repentance = remorseful, confessing your sins.
I'm so glad that my Lord thinks differently.
He sees repentance as us turning away from our self-righteousness and into HIS righteousness.
How great is that man!
It's like every time we see Jesus, we become more Christ-conscious and are transformed into the same image!
I love it!
It's weird how people think that we should be sin-conscious to be set free; it's no use.
When you keep pushing the sins upon yourself, you become heavy-laden and also you neglect Jesus' finished work on the cross.
If our God sent His only begotten son, who took all our sins and died for us so that we may be set free, why must we continue indulging on our sins?

See, now the thing is to not look to yourself, but to look to your Provider!
So awesome right! :D
And I loved how Pastor Gabriel said about us being an empty cup and Jesus filling us up from the inside :)
He works everything into us that we might be able to work out of it.
At the end of the day, all our effort came OUT OF His grace.
The best part is, the cup overflows.
God just doesn't know when to stop does He?
He is a God of more than enough.
When you ask Him for a fruit, He gives you a tree that grows fruit, that produces seeds, and comes out a harvest.
I am really anticipating my results and ready to face my enemies! :)
With my enemies, only then can the Lord make me more than a conqueror.


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