A series of blessed events.

Hi! Just thought that I might share the God-filled moments I had today :D
Today has been a hectic day man, I forgot to bring my uniform to change for the lower sec investiture, bring my Chem ws and Chinese ws which was due today.
But everything changed for my good! :)
I was reading on "Provision Promises" about the part where God will turn every curse into a blessing.
And today's blessings was overflowing in abundance! :)

Firstly, I'm really bad at serving during badminton matches and I really thought that I wouldn't pass my serving assessment today.
Even when I practiced with my friends before the assessment, the results were the same - I still didn't managed to serve diagonally opposite within the opponent's court.
Those are the moments when no matter how hard you try you won't be able to receive the results you want, are those moments where you depend on the Lord the most.
So, it was like my turn to serve and all and I kept muttering under my breath, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Surprisingly, I managed to serve successfully for more than 5 consecutive times!
It was truly a miracle and I was really touched by how much the Lord loves me that He was me to be successful even in the littlest of things, as long as they were something to me. :)

Secondly, my Chem teacher didn't even went through the worksheet that was due and I was completely safe! :)
And the best part was receiving my results for my Maths and AMaths test papers.
It was totally unexpected!
I achieved 16/17 for my AMaths and 19/20 for Math!
Like, how blessed can this day get man!

I got a little worried towards the end of the day because I completely forgot to bring my uniform to change for the formal event - investiture.
It was also compulsory for all senior student councillors to attend and I didn't really know what to do.
I can't possibly rush back home, iron my shirt and arrive back to school on time.
In the end, I went for Chinese tutorial and skipped the investiture entirely.
This was the awesome part, despite the fact that I sat at the front row and didn't bring my ws, my Chinese teacher didn't punish me to write S, O, R, R, Y with my butt or something like that.
It was truly favour man!
And THANK GOD! I don't need to attend make-up lessons on Monday if I didn't appear for Chinese lesson and went for the investiture instead.
I get to go home early! Praise the Lord!

Lastly, I didn't have to wait a long time for the traffic.
I just pressed the button and one second after, the traffic light just changed to red.
It was amazing man!
Usually I have to wait about 20mins to an hour for my bus but today I just needed to wait around 3mins?
Really a God-filled day man, a series of not unfortunate events but blessed events.
Oh how much He loves me.

...the Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the Lord your God loves you.
-Deuteronomy 23:5


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