Our confidence rests in Him.

I recently got a revelation from my Daddy! :D
You know how some people cannot stop talking about themselves, boasting about what they have etc.?
They want to boost their confidence in themselves right?
But we, the believers of Christ do not do the same, we talk so much more about Jesus because He is our confidence and our confidence rests in Him.
Wow, the Lord has so many ways in revealing revelations and letting me see more of Him.

I'm so glad that I'm no longer of the world and how much the Lord has changed me, really.
Back then, okay maybe some of you guys know, I was a complete bitch. (if that is the word)
Haha, I did many stupid things and ruined many of my friendships back in Primary school.
I still can remember there was a period of time when I was being ostracized.
It's amazing how much when I turn to the Lord for His righteousness and His completion to complete me.
That's when I became complete.
And even though I told my friends that I was being left in class like an outcast, my friends refused to believe me.
I guess this is what I call favour.

I am really really really thankful that I got brought into Elpis and Esme (my DG).
I know it's no accident that I have been placed together with so many wonderful people and such a godly crowd.
Friends that could cheer me up and bring me back to Jesus.
Friends that have a Jesus perspective of situations.
Friends that I enjoy and love being with.
Yeah, and I know Lord that the best is yet to come :D
Omg, how wonderful will it be man, this year, 2012, the year of unceasing fruitfulness.


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