Too blessed to be stressed.

Hi, just wanted to blog cos' i'm kinda bored. hehe :)
Things have been going smoothly lately except for cca stuff.
I can't believe I totally screwed up my leadership position...
This subject has been travelling through my mind for ages.
I got like reprimanded from my teacher-in-charge and yeahhh.
I really didn't know it takes so much work to be a leader.
I really want to rest and accomplish everything I need to without stress.

So, here, I wanna make a change.
I think I was being too irresponsible and slacky so far and I really want to lead and serve my cca well.
Lord, guide me in all of your ways because I think you are the greatest leader of them all.
My God has made us kings and queens to rule the earth! :)
So, I'm sure that all these leadership qualities would be displayed in me and that all the works done by Jesus from Matthew to John would be revealed in me.
A lion, man, ox and eagle.

But the good news is....
I got L1R5 12 points!
Can you believe it?
Oh how much He loves me to bring me from one level of grace to another. :)
Hmm, and church has been really enjoyable and always putting in me a fresh revelation of Jesus.
Praise and Worship too has been brought to a higher level :)
I know that my God will always sustain me with His grace and now, I realise I just have to continue receiving.
Thank you Lord so much :)


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