The prayers of the righteous avails much.

Okay, just a short testimony.
So, my PE group wasn't doing really well for the past few games and I really wanted to win so I could attain a good grade for PE, just so it would look good on my report slip.
You wouldn't want your PE grade to have a C or D would you?

So here it goes, the PE story. (haha, potential energy)
Okay, sorry.
Um, I can't believe this but on the first round, guess how much we scored?
1. 1
I don't know how but we got striked out really quick. (oh btw, I play softball for PE)
Yeah, so we were like couldn't believe our eyes, cos' we had to beat our opponent by scoring soooo much more for our second round.
And there and then, I was like God is my strength, God is my strength. (what I meditated in the morning)
It was cool how many points we scored before we were out.
15: The number of rest.

Be prepared for essay writing:

We had 1 more strike out till the other team is out.
One more point and we were going to be on par.
They the pitchers and we the fielders.
But how is possible?
Claudia was going to hit the ball, a badminton player.
It was a forced play which meant that everyone was forced to run and it is almost impossible to be stopped.
Actually, I prayed before this that we would win and kept confessing that I was more than a conqueror.
The ball was being batted.
It flew really high and far.
I didn't have negative thoughts in my head nor do I have any positive ones.
My mind was in a total blank.
The runners on the bases were running.
Everything happened as if time slowed down.
Plop! It landed on Shirlyn's glove.
OMG victory! A flying ball caught = immediate strike out.
Haha, yeah that's it.

And there, we won, for the very first time.
Haha, the prayers of the righteous do avail much right?
And yeah, we don't really need to pray for victory cos' Jesus has already won the victory ain't that right?
We just need to continue walking in it.
Always remembering our right standing with the Lord.
Just ending the day today, it was really fun and all.
Okay bye!

Today is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.


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