new creation church

mother didnt want me go e-kids anymore ,
so went back to new creation church.
went to gems.
2nd service.
actually wanted to go for 1st but then woke up late.
had to become newcomer again.
then signed up.
&& went in.
after a while , saw gladys from sch -- 6GA then said hello during tht game.
luckily bring bible if not have to do forfeit.
met new friends.
lost tht game -- number bomb.
had to have face smudge w/ paint.
luckily every grp had.
still fun tho.
nid to go on sat -- e dare thing.

tht 's all -- random post , dunno wht to post abt.
&& she still owes me $5 havent forget.

-- #17 Post ;D


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