
Showing posts from May, 2012


Actually, to be honest, I'm not really happy about my Prelims. I can't even hit my target grades and L1R5 that I wanted to achieve. But right, many things happened during the exams and the presence of God, man, it was nice. And turns out I didn't do that badly, which is really really great! It's like the more I believed in my self-efforts, the worse my grades were. I realised that all I had to do is surrender, that's all. Let go and let God. Hehe! And very very very extremely unexpected I did well for my current timed assignments and all for my Chinese!!!!! :DDDD Woohoo! Chinese is like one of my worst subjects man! :))) How the Lord uses the weak to confound the mighty! :) I will surely do well and reap good harvests for my Chinese 'O's for the Lord is with me!!! Okay, the best of the best was that I got a opportunity to share the gospel with my classmate! It was seriously the most awesome feeling I've ever felt - talking to someone about

More than a conqueror.

Feeling so refreshed from service today! :) Pastor Prince expounded a lot about repentance. You know how some believers believe that repentance = remorseful, confessing your sins. I'm so glad that my Lord thinks differently. He sees repentance as us turning away from our self-righteousness and into HIS righteousness. How great is that man! It's like every time we see Jesus, we become more Christ-conscious and are transformed into the same image! I love it! It's weird how people think that we should be sin-conscious to be set free; it's no use. When you keep pushing the sins upon yourself, you become heavy-laden and also you neglect Jesus' finished work on the cross. If our God sent His only begotten son, who took all our sins and died for us so that we may be set free, why must we continue indulging on our sins? See, now the thing is to not look to yourself, but to look to your Provider! So awesome right! :D And I loved how Pastor Gabriel said about us