
Showing posts from November, 2011

Dare to be different.

So yesterday, I heard the disc I bought: my long-awaited LEGACY CAMP SERMON!! At first, it was just like, oh.. okay... But when I started playing it, it's like as if the anointing during the camp was brought over to my house. I can totally feel the presence of God around me and I felt so at rest. There and then, I really ate of the Word and my mind became renewed again. Now I know why I adored David so much. He was of a different spirit, he wasn't like the other people who didn't dare to stand against the giant. He was a DIAMOND. I really thought I was being a little weird and different when I was not as worried or anxious about the exams compared to my fellow classmates and friends. I knew that God was on my side and I have the mind of Christ so I was indifferent towards the papers and all. After hearing the sermon I knew why I was different. I shone like a diamond. I wasn't like my friends who were stones. (even though I was stoning HAHA) And I also f


Thinking back and looking at my old pictures, I realised that I've changed a lot. More in wisdom, more beautiful. Right there and then, I stopped. I realised why I changed. When you see Jesus as someone who is good-looking, you become transformed into that image by His grace. AWESOME man. Like you see Jesus being cool, you become so cool that whatever you wear becomes cool cos you are wearing it. So, everything transforms because you see JESUS and not yourself. You look at His finished work and not your own works. That's how God's systems works. By picturing Jesus as someone who supplys all your needs, sooner or later, you become someone who receives so much, you supply other's needs too. It's really a TESTIMONY. That I've become so much taller because I pictured Jesus who was of stature, and was tall. That I've become so much more beautiful because I pictured Jesus who had a face that shone above mankind. That I've become so much wiser b