
Showing posts from January, 2017

2016 #Tweets

Hello! I have compiled 5 tweets from each month of last year, 2016 that were part of the word, revelations, sermons and songs that I have received and listened to. :) 6 Jan 2016 Know His heart, not just His hand. 14 Jan 2016 No matter where we go, we can't outrun His love. 18 Jan 2016 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to (our good performance? no) the riches of His grace. 21 Jan 2016 Your love has ravished my heart. 31 Jan 2016 If not for the grace of God, that would be me. 9 Feb 2016 One came down that we might go up. 14 Feb 2016 Thoughts unspoken go unborn. 16 Feb 2016 You need to keep on hearing even though you have heard. 19 Feb 2016 In spite of my victories, humble me Lord. 24 Feb 2016 Nothing is wrong with God, nothing is wrong with the Word and there is nothing wrong with me. I'm going to receive my miracle. 2 Mar 2016 He gives power to the weak, and to those with no might He increases strengt

The Year of Jubilee

Hi guys :) Today's the first day of the year 2017 and the first sermon of the year. It's simply amazing that the theme of the year was announced on the day itself; I don't remember other years being like this one. And I wasn't really expecting anything because it's always a good word and I guess I did get overly familiar with the themes of the years. But today, the Lord really showed me something special: as I saw the video being played about the theme of the year, as I saw those chains having a hold on someone, I thought about me. Those chains were not just loosed, they broke apart. I almost teared as I saw that scene and had goosebumps. It was as if the Lord was personally speaking to me: that this year, your chains and bondages shall be broken by Me. Not by physical hands, but supernatural ones. I was just so touched by that picture and inside of me, something seemed to cry out. Lord, I allow my chains to be broken by You, for You to set me free from e