
Showing posts from June, 2014

Legacy 2014.

Wow, Jesus, this is by far the best camp of all the ones I've been too. I don't know how You manage to make every camp better than the one before. Before I came to this camp, I felt so frustrated at myself for not being good enough, not meeting up to expectations, being pathetic and unworthy. But Jesus, Your supply met and overexceeded my demand. You told me that I am good enough, that I and worthy and that I am chosen. Those were the words I really needed to hear man. When Pastor Lian just spoke forth those words, wow, I knew it was You. And Pastor told us to imagine Jesus hugging us. I felt Your presence so strongly and I really felt someone embracing me, someone filled with so much love, someone who loved me so much despite of all my flaws, all my sins, all my shortcomings. I didn't know that I was choosing to accept all these lies that the devil puts on me. It seemed so real but Jesus I replace every lie with Your truth. His presence was so strong throughout