
Showing posts from March, 2014


HAHA this is a weird topic but I believe all of you have experienced them once in your life right? It isn't easy getting out of them as easy as it was to get into one. In Sec 2, I had one and I was crazy, head over heels man for this guy. And I did so many foolish things that I'm so embarrassed to mention about it here. But soon, I knew that it was a one-way thing and I felt super dejected. It's such a small thing and yet it hit me hard. I felt unloved, insecure and many other negative feelings. But through this journey, it strengthened my relationship with the Lord. Through this, I began to see Jesus as my lover and I no longer feel affected by it anymore ptl :)))) I went to the Lord crying my heart out and I felt Him just embracing me and saying to me,  "Grace, if no man on earth loves you, I, the Creator, the Saviour, the Almighty God, the Prince of Peace, the Everlasting Father loves you." Wah, I just couldn't believe it man. Someo