14 May 2013.
Sup! Just wanted to share about the awesome things that happened this week! HAHA, it's actually about my birthday. I'm seriously touched by what my class did for me, buying me presents and celebrating my birthday. I want to thank God for such an awesome class, which totally exceeded my expectations. In actual fact, I didn't expect much since it's a brand new class and it's only the first year I'm being w them. God is just sooo good. I received so much favour with them compared to my AG. I really saw the hand of God and how He made things work out for my good. In the start of the year, I trusted God for a good class and He did give me one, with so much more. I totally didn't deserve all this but God just wanted to bless me w one :') And I made very good friends in the new class, in the new season I am in. It really has been the best year yet and my future keeps getting brighter and brighter. Even though the year has been hectic and I have been...