
Showing posts from December, 2012

Blessed CHRISTmas.

The most beautiful time of the year. :) Has been a long time since I updated, how are you? It's fast right, how time flew, and now it's already Christmas. 2012 has been a memorable year for me man, many changes and many fruits! :) Many good things and many bad things have happened but I really want to thank God for this amazing year. Even though I have been hurt a lot this year, I believe that all things will work according to my good through the Lord. I believe right, that I have grew physically and spiritually, really all glory to God man. Recently, in a Christmas party, I met this young man of God called Rainer(sp?). At first glance, he seemed like a really great guy and he was very loving towards his mother. I didn't think so much about it until my mother told me his history. He was actually a really rebellious child, his parents are divorced and yeah... I was astonished by that fact man, how the Lord transformed him into a great man. He was even fat, accor