
Showing posts from November, 2008

shernise bbq party

yest went to shernise bbq party. was late coz had to shift e shelves && cabinets. when reached there , it was raining , walked to bbq pi. saw rachel && shernise. walked w/ them to fetch jazel. then later go to function room. saw them. then later shernise want to take curry. went up w/ her plus somemore ppl. saw oreo ; so cute. then took e curry. went down. had to open rachel's umbrella , dunno how to open. shernise tried , then can. brought it back to function room. ate e noodles ; curry && fishball. joanne just came. got is it you -- carrie from joanne. she going to go new creation church w/ me. ;D invited her. then sat down && drank coke. melodie didn't come. waa. chang- ed shift. they dont want to change. then nvm. we also bbq-ed chicken && satay. ate marshmallow -- not bbq- ed. fire damn hot. especially their one. ours not really. put too much butter. finish bbq- ing. went back o function room && eat. e satay damn nice , like

DARE welcome party

todayy woke up at 7.oo p.m. to go to DARE welcome party. it is like church for youth. mother fetched me there. when reached there , was super early , very little ppl reach. my grp , for go e name but starts w/ letter e. first reached there was super blur larhhs , first time marhhs. then watch e boyys play basketball. halfway this boyy suddenly vomit while like sitting on e floor. i like almost going to vomit also. so disgusing larhhs , saw e whole thing accidentally. then waited for more ppl to come. then suddenly saw joseph , last time saw him at one of e e-kids camp. suprised to see him there. very qiao , same grp. my grp tht were present ; 4 boyys && 4 girls ; nick ; joseph ; 2 other guyys name too chim cannot remember ; take it as green guyy && blue guyy. me ; christine ; zann ; berenice. nick got act on tv before. the blue guyy finds joseph cute. lolx. laughing at them. 1st thing we have to do is dance some bangala dance. not tht i am racist or smth , but didn'

new creation church

mother didnt want me go e-kids anymore , so went back to new creation church. went to gems. 2nd service. actually wanted to go for 1st but then woke up late. had to become newcomer again. then signed up. && went in. after a while , saw gladys from sch -- 6GA then said hello during tht game. luckily bring bible if not have to do forfeit. met new friends. lost tht game -- number bomb. haiix. had to have face smudge w/ paint. luckily every grp had. still fun tho. nid to go on sat -- e dare thing. tht 's all -- random post , dunno wht to post abt. && she still owes me $5 havent forget. -- #17 Post ;D
todayy is p6 thanksgiving dayy. went up o 6 Fr w/ joey. then later played cheat. cheated shi ying , hahas. then later need to go to hall lerhhs. then went down lorhhs. danced , so sad cannot even see 6 Ep performing. haiix. then a bit nervous , got a little stage fright. then later got ppl cry. didn't cry , is tht supposed to be bad ? then later went down w/ melodie && hazel could not find ai yun. then ate buffet. played virus in e drizzle. wanted to take pic , but then vanessa keep on running away. haiix. in e end , she stepped on my feet && we didn't get e pic. then laters , melodie go home , ai yun don't know go where. then later decided to go home lerhhs. but then saw joey , chloe && vanessa at bus bay. since they are going to tm , then they ask us if want to go. then me && hazel went w/ them. reached tm , book tickets then played arcade. watched madagascar 2. ps joey , nvr bring money horhhs. sorry larhhs. will return you. then laters ,

found a quiz !!

found a quiz. Explain your relationship status: - single && i 'm lovin' it ! ;D Name a lyric from the last song you listened to: - my blogsong : he knelt on e ground && pulled out a ring. What did you wear today? - my pe shirt && shorts. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses? - glasses. How many windows are open on your computer? - 2. if it doesn't count e tabs What are you doing after this? - watching tv or play wii. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? - from sch. =.= Do you like to cuddle? - yes. my bolster. ;D How tall are you? - idk. Which one of your cousins is closest to you in age? - my china cousin. abt p4. Do you like someone? Does his/her name start with A, B, D, K, M, C, or J? - no. && i hate boys tht start w/ letter J , i cant believe most of thm do. Do you like hugs? - duh. Are you a loud person? - depends on situation. sometimes too loud. oops. hehe. Look to your left, what do you see? - an opened cupboard door. What is
todayy after practicing went to bbt shop !! when go there saw shernise , vanessa , chloe , jazel , ashley. then say " hello ". then ordered food. when they all go , then isabel came. left : me , hazel , shernise && isabel. damn fun. took 3 nice pics : -- shernise e one being pulled. -- me being squashed !! arghs. -- giant isabel ! omg ! later took vids of bbt uncle && auntie : -- bbt shop auntie -- bbt shop uncle hahas. damn fun todayy larrhs. && no copycats. thx. ;D -- #14 Post ;D

the most unluckiest dayy ever !

TODAYY IS E UNLUCKIEST DAYY EVER ! 1st -- every class had a mistake during e p6 thanksgiving dayy rehearsal. 2nd -- when trying to take my wii rayman cd , could not find shernise. call her home coz i dont have her hp no. raining so ai yun lend us her pe shirt. thanks worhhs. somemore me && hazel no umbrella. then ask her maid for shernise no. then finally got it. she at bbt shop already. then at traffic light , some maid lend us an umbrella. thanks whoever you are. we were like so drenched. my shoes && socks so wet. can feel like very squishy. then find shernise && joanne sitting there. haiiz. joanne cant get my handphone. got a differnt one. took a pic of joanne. her expression so funny. ;D joanne , you are very lucky didnt put your pic here. you should thank me. rain getting more little. then step out of bbt shop , rain like siao again. then like wa laos lorrhs. then while walking to shernise's house , kept laughing. then reach house , shernise say "
todayy went on stage for P6 Thankgiving Day. didn't even know at first. was surprised. nobody even told us tht. then anyhow do. coz not very sure of dance steps yet. watch e rest of classes doin their dance. so nice lorrs. then later go up then go down again. just coz of tht stupid cow. then later do 2 times , before && after recess. after sch , decided to stayy back to practice. first , went to buy ice-cream w/ melodie. then saw melissa && samantha standing there. then later went to bus bayy.. saw loads of ppl gathering there. then later they want to play virus. didn't want to play , i wanted to practice more. then later saw aunties gathering around. so go && take a look. actually got some auntie bdae. then sing " HAPPY BDAE " song. wanted to eat pizza && drink coke but nvm ... then later practiced at hopscotch area. && we practiced && practiced && practiced .. then until veryy good liaos. && at 3.00 pm
visit rtm = anyywayys , todayy went to canossian kindergarten && st.joseph's home. i prefer e kindergarten. e children damn cute lorrs !! ;D i want to hug them. i like this boy && girl. so cute. teached them how to fold e paper crane. e boy practically destroyed e paper. i then fold another one by myself. e boy tot e paper crane was some sort of pigeon. then he said tht a pigeon shitted on his shirt before. lolx. so cute !! then later went back. && tht stupid cow go && say cannot eat in e bus , later someone vomits. then like so damn hungry. coz ate in class. after sch , stayed back. did e CIP home visit scrapbook. laugh like xiao. && damn hungry ate spaghetti && laksa. then later learned new dance moves && practiced. FUN !! ;D && tht's all -- # 11Post ;D
todayy got a talk. funny && interesting. first game ; must listen to e song then guess e song title. lolx. i keep pushing shernise. it's like a habit. then like hi-5 song. shernise go up && ans. yay !! our team win points !! ;D happy !! but got simpsons song. lolx. i dont even watch simpsons. how was i supposed to know ?? spongebob squarepants one was funny. e joshua guy was funny. keep on saying tht he is cool. like real. then later got talk. haiiz. boring .. i prefer e games. then e father dunno what came stand on e chair. like lolx. so weird. then got this " handphone ; pager ; e-mail ; dunno what " game. 2 of them go up wth !! so blur still go up !! make our grp lose onlyy. haix. but still had loads of fun. e joshua go && make e "applause" thing. so funny. -- #10 Post ;D


yest went to zoo w/ family. had loads of fun at rainforest kidzworld. th new thing there. played at e swimming pool. && e other things. very nice lehhs. got so many new things at e zoo. they make until very nice. there was also a kampong house. got fake ppl inside. took pics of them -- when first saw them like a bit scared coz like at first didn't saw them then suddenly appear out of nowhere. then also got tht thing like flying fox one lehhs. very fun. then also got a maze. but tht one so stupid. is like so easy get out of e maze. then later went to visit like so many other animals. very tiring. also visited fragile forest. got loads of animals && butterflies. more than last time. so many white butterflies. [so called surrounding me] then later went back home lorrs. so tiring. my legg damn suan lehhs. -- # 9 Post ;D